"A dumb nigger" Sworn two affidavits from officers
on how other officers referred to black female officer Sheila Patterson.
In the
summer of 1990, an Officer referred to Patterson as "cruiser butt" or
"cruiser ass." After an investigation, the officer received an oral
reprimand. In 1992, Patterson found a dead mouse in her mailbox at the police
station. An investigation ensued in which twenty-seven people were interviewed
and three given polygraph examinations. The department never discovered who, if
anyone, placed the mouse in the mailbox.
"You have two strikes against you, you are Black and
you are a female. Because that is the way it is around here." Statement of
a white officer to female officer Sheila Patterson
"Zulu" Sworn two affidavits from officers on how
other officers referred to black female officer Sheila Patterson